Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (2025)

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Servant-ed class

Akiharu Hino

Akiharu Hino

Voiced by: Kazuyuki Okitsu (Japanese), Daniel J. Edwards (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (1)

The main protagonist of the story, he is considered to be a delinquent because of his red eyes and rough appearance (accented by a scar bisecting his left eyebrow).

  • Accidental Marriage: After yet another accidental pervert moment with Ayse Khadim, Akiharu finds that he has to consummate a marriage he doesn't want. There is a loophole, but Tomomi and Hedyeh deliberately hold it back, albeit for different reasons. Tomomi's reason is obviously to see Akiharu suffer for her own fun, Hedyeh's reason is she knows that Ayse really does love Akiharu.
  • Accidental Pervert: Once per Episode for Akiharu. On his first day he made memorable first impressions by accidentally molesting the entire female population of his new school. Seriously, there's a Thanks for the Mammary in the very first scene.
  • Betty and Veronica: The Archie to Selnia's Veronica and Tomomi's Betty.
  • Butt-Monkey: The principal uses his life vicariously as some kind of H-Game, is often the subject of increasingly fantastic rumors, and is more or less SOL regarding his Love Triangle.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: Can get drunk just off of a single liquor-spiked chocolate. This causes him to become... daring.
  • Chick Magnet: Is in a Love Triangle with Selnia and Tomomi, but is also desired by Ayse and Daichi and Mimina.
  • Close-Call Haircut: Receives one of these courtesy of Hedyeh.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: His suffering serves as the catalyst to 99% of the show's comedy.
    • That said, he really does bring some of it on himself due to his complete lack of common sense at times.
  • Delinquents: Akiharu averts this despite his scar, face, and hair helping him look the part, but try telling that to the girls.
  • Deadpan Snarker:
    • If it wasn't for his Only Sane Man, then he wouldn't be a sarcastic person. For a example when he snark at his childhood friend Tomomi:

      Tomomi: Excuse you, your making it sound like I'm a immoral and a black-hearted person.

      Aikharu: Isn't that what you are?

    • Pretty much, he snarks at Selnia a lot because the only thing she is doing is annoying him almost constantly, so that's why he delivers sarcastic insults to her.
  • Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male: Unfortunately for him, he gets to be the schools primary punching bag for incidents that are generally not his fault. This is of course never taken seriously.
  • Double Standard Rape: Female on Male: Episode 4 has Akiharu tied up and whimpering "stop" while a girl who already knows he doesn't want to marry her undresses him. All played for laughs of course.
  • Face of a Thug: Downplayed. Akiharu's face suggests a delinquent, though it's more noticeable in the manga (where Tomomi's surprised he used to be the same kid that she knew). Either way, the scar on his face has tendency to immediately lead others to mistrust him.
  • Hidden Depths: Akiharu beats Selnia five times in a row at chess, meaning he's either rather good or that Selnia is really, really bad.
  • Idiot Crows: Akiharu gets that threatment after foolishly trying to appease Selnia and Tomomi in the ending. Though the crows are not seen, merely heard.
  • James Bondage: Akiharu is kidnapped by Hedyeh and tied up for sexy reasons.
  • Love Triangle: Episodes 8 through 12 feature one between Selnia and Tomomi over Akiharu.
  • Oblivious to Love: Dammit Aki, notice it already!!!
    • Recent events suggests that he's probably still traumatized from the past experiences with Tomomi when they were kids. Just look at his words when the guys tried to help Daichi about romance.
    • Exaggerated in the ending where Akiharu gave Selnia the ticket since she won. He then gave the other ticket to Tomomi. Cue slap FROM THE BOTH OF THEM. And you thought Natsuru was bad...
    • The guy didn't even consider using the waterpark ticket to ask a girl out on a date, let alone Sernia or Tomomi. In order, the people he ponders inviting are: one of the guys, Mimina, and the Shikikagami sisters.
  • Only Sane Man: Doesn't save him from having Idiot Ball moments though.
  • Scars Are Forever: Has a scar above his left eye.
  • Servile Snarker: This seems to be the kind of butler Akiharu aspires to be.
  • Thanks for the Mammary: The first scene kicks things off with this. Several more follow it.
  • Unwanted Harem: Definitely the case.

Kaoru Daichi

Kaoru Daichi

Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya (Japanese), Brittany Lauda (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (2)

Akiharu's roommate and fellow servant-ed student.

  • Ambiguously Bi: She is in love with Akiharu but girls flirt with her.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Serves as one of these to the girls of her school.
  • Love Letter Lunacy: In episode ten.
  • Sweet Polly Oliver: Averted in the anime, but in the manga, Akiharu has one of these moments towards Kaoru:

    Akiharu: He's unexpectedly handsome... he seems almost timid. Maybe if he was wearing some female clothing- WHAT AM I THINKING?!

  • Tsundere: Harsh type to Akiharu.

Sanae Shikikagami

Sanae Shikikagami

Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu (Japanese), Michele Knotz (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (3)

A clumsy maid at the academy who causes Akiharu much trouble.

  • Alliterative Name: Sanae Shikikagami
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: She is a tad bit worse than the other maids/butlers at servicing the nobles, as she is very clumsy, and ends up either spilling the contents of the tray she was carrying or tripping (especially onto Hino in a compromising position).
  • Date Peepers: Sanae, along with Selnia and Saori, secretly watch Akiharu and Tomomi during their date in episode nine.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Of the braid variety.

Shingo Todoroki

Shingo Todoroki

Voiced by: Takafumi Kawakumi (Japanese), Y. Chang (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (4)

A member of the academy's servant-ed class and one of the few boys in the entire school.

  • Butt-Monkey: Shingo, the taller of the Two Guys, always finds himself in the center of misfortune. Some of which were meant for Akiharu. Of course, he's usually asking for it.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Oh God, this guy is a horrible pervert.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Black hair and eyes.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Akiharu casually describes him as a "Super Pervert".
  • The Peeping Tom: Tries to be this in Episode 5.
  • Those Two Guys: With Mitsuru.

Mitsuru Sanke

Mitsuru Sanke

Voiced by: Ayumi Fujimura (Japanese), Jesse Nowak (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (5)

A member of the academy's servant-ed class and one of the few boys in the entire school.

Upper-ed class

Tomomi Saikyō

Tomomi Saikyō

Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi (Japanese), Amber Lee Connors (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (6)

Tomomi is an upper-ed student at the academy and is also Akiharu's childhood friend.

  • A-Cup Angst: She's not an A-cup, but she doesn't like the fact that Selnia is bustier than she is.
  • Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Selnia's Veronica and Akiharu's Archie.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: While showing herself to be the most upstanding girl in school, loves to make Akiharu's life a living hell and has no problem making trouble for Selnia, either.
  • The Bully: Tomomi was this for Akiharu when they were children. Now that they're grown up, she doesn't torment him... as obviously.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: Episode 5 implies that Tomomi is jealous of Selnia's much curvier body and larger breasts.
  • Chess Master: Tomomi just needs to say a few easily-misinterpreted words and you're going to be doing her bidding whether you know it or not.
  • Childhood Friend: To Akiharu.
  • Didn't See That Coming: For all her Chess Master-caliber intuition and planning skills, Tomomi apparently never seriously considered the possibility that:
    • Akiharu and Selnia might grow to like each other.
    • Also, she apparently never realized that Aki once had a crush on her until the guy said it himself,
    • or that she might be in love with Aki without realizing it.
  • Diegetic Soundtrack Usage: Tomomi in the Karaoke Box in episode nine. What's weird is not so much that the karaoke parlor has the opening music, but that it also has the opening video. Who's spying on Akiharu? More than that, why don't Akiharu and Tomomi notice this?
  • Love Triangle: Episodes 8 through 12 feature one between Selnia and Tomomi over Akiharu.
  • Meaningful Name: Tomomi's name in kanji is spelled 朋美, with this kanji 朋, meaning friend.
  • Mirror Character: Episode 5 is all about how Selnia and Tomomi are both high-achievers who have ended up in a rivalry with one another. Selnia's jealous about Tomomi's edge in academics (she's been under pressure to exceed her entire life) and Tomomi's jealous about how Selnia's prettier and gets along with everyone better than she does.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: In the very first episode, Tomomi lets everyone know how Akiharu wanted to be a bride when they were children. She neglects to mention that this happened because she went out of her way to convince him that "bride" was a sexless term. Also, Akiharu's Accidental Pervert moments in the beginning of the series get him pegged as a scary Delinquent pervert by the rest of the academy.
  • Sadist: Tomomi loves to make everyone suffer. As a consequence, she's often seen with a Psychotic Smirk.
  • Sore Loser: Tomomi doesn't take losing very well, she gets particularly salty about Selnia's bigger bust.
  • The Trickster: Tomomi always likes to play tricks on other classmates, especially Akiharu.
  • Unknown Rival: Selnia and Tomomi to each other. To clarify, Selnia hates Tomomi because she gets better grades than Selnia and mocks her about it, while Tomomi hates Selnia because of her breast size. Later, they're both hoping to win Akiharu's affections.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: It's not conclusive yet, but the relationship between Tomomi and Akiharu is currently less than romantic...

Selnia Iori Flameheart

Selnia Iori Flameheart

Voiced by: Mai Nakahara (Japanese), Carrie Savage (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (7)

As an upper-ed student at the academy, Selnia is extremely proud of her status as scion of the Flameheart family.

  • Anime Hair: With those gigantic spindly things that cause Akiharu to refer to her as "Drill" sometimes.
  • Berserk Button: Don't call Selnia "drills" if you know what's good for you.
  • Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Tomomi's Betty and Akiharu's Archie.
  • Boob-Based Gag: Selnia boobs are the main source of this. For example, in episode 5, when Sanae trips once again falling onto Akiharu, dessert from his tray lands on Selnia's chest. And it was standing. Even lampshaded by both Tomomi and Akiharu.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Even though she outwardly denies feeling anything for Akiharu, she does in fact realize and accept how she feels.
  • Date Peepers: For episode nine.
  • Expressive Hair: When Selnia is annoyed, her drill-curls will sometimes flap around in tandem with her speech. When she's REALLY steamed, they'll start spinning (with appropriate sound effects). The ribbons in Osawa's hair also have a habit of going dead straight from the side of her head when she's upset in some way.
  • Form Fitting Clothing: SO form-fitting that even the nipples and areolae are perfectly defined through shirt and bra.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Of the drill-variety.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: She cant go one encounter with Tomomi or Akiharu without at some point completely losing her cool.
  • High-Pressure Emotion: Episode 8 shows a scene of her with steam coming out of her ears when she's mad.
  • Hypocritical Humor: In episode 7 Selnia gets upset when she sees how women are portrayed in doujinshi.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: [S/C]e[l/r]nia F[l/r]ameh(e)art. "Sernia Flameheart" is the official spelling.
  • Love Triangle: Episodes 8 through 12 feature one between Selnia and Tomomi over Akiharu.
  • Meaningful Name: You might think Selnia merely has a kickass name at first until you remember she's the Tsundere so her name fits her very well. Saikyo also means "the strongest," in Japanese, so it's fitting that it's Saikyo's style to always win.
  • Mirror Character: Episode 5 is all about how Selnia and Tomomi are both high-achievers who have ended up in a rivalry with one another. Selnia's jealous about Tomomi's edge in academics (she's been under pressure to exceed her entire life) and Tomomi's jealous about how Selnia's prettier and gets along with everyone better than she does.
  • Ms. Fanservice: The most buxom character in the series and prone to embarassing situations with Akiharu and the two Shikikagami sisters.
  • Ojou: She comes from a noble family.
  • Phenotype Stereotype: She's the blue-eyed blonde-haired type, and is from England.
  • Regal Ringlets: Selnia has one of the most exaggerated cases. They even come with drill sound effects! But don't call it a drill.
  • Tsundere: Leans more towards the Type A (Tsuntsun).
  • Unknown Rival: Selnia and Tomomi to each other. To clarify, Selnia hates Tomomi because she gets better grades than Selnia and mocks her about it, while Tomomi hates Selnia because of her massive breast size. Later, they're both hoping to win Akiharu's affections.
  • Uptown Girl: She's a noble seeking the affections of a lowly butler.

Pina Sformklan Estoh

Pina Sformklan Estoh

Voiced by: Mai Goto (Japanese), Bryn Apprill (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (8)

She is the princess of a small country who transferred to Japan largely because of her love of anime.

  • Cool Crown: She always wears her crown.
  • Gamer Chick: According to episode 10.
  • Occidental Otaku: Princess of a small island nation, is a fan of all things anime. Apparently, so is the majority of her countrymen. She's also a Cosplay Otaku Girl.
  • Petite Pride: Pina tries to 'console' Mimina using such arguments.
  • Purple Is Powerful: She's a princess with purple eyes.
  • Royal Blood: She's the princess of a small country.
  • Skinship Grope: She gives Mimina one in episode 9. And again in episode 12.

Mimina Ōsawa

Mimina Ōsawa

Voiced by: Rina Hidaka (Japanese), Daisy Guevara (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (9)

She is a 19 year-old student who appears to be about 10 due to an illness, which has kept her in hospital for most of her life.

  • Older Than They Look: Mimina is 19. Not that you'd ever be able to tell.
  • Token Mini-Moe: In the manga, Mimina is also a Third-Person Person.

Ayse Khadim

Ayse Khadim

Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa (Japanese), Michaela Amanda Laws (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (10)

She is very shy foreign student who hardly talks to anyone but her bodyguard.

  • Ambiguously Brown: Her name and appearance suggest that she is most likely Middle Eastern in origin.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: Ayse/Aisyah.

Suiran Fō

Suiran Fō

Voiced by: Saori Hayami (Japanese), Emi Lo (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (11)

Suiran is one of Selnia's closest friends.

  • Anime Chinese Girl: Though it only comes up a few times. It's pretty heavily exaggerated in the manga, however, wherein Fou's first appearance involves a Chinese dress and odango hair.
  • Gratuitous Foreign Language: In episode 6, she drops some Chinese, 谢谢.

Saori Shikikagami

Saori Shikikagami

Voiced by: Yūko Gotō (Japanese), Yara Naika (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (12)

She is the elder of the Shikikagami sisters but unlike her younger sister, she is an upper-ed student at the academy, having paid the required fees before their family fell on hard times.

  • Alliterative Name: Saori Shikikagami
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: Sees no problem with taking her clothes off anytime, anywhere. Even in the middle of a crowded room.
  • Please Put Some Clothes On: She has a tendency to randomly start undressing herself at weird times.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: Depending on how you interpret her. Consider this line that Sanae gives us from episode 2/manga chapter 4:

    Saori: (After falling on top of Akiharu while trying to wash his back and being told to get off) But my sister told me that once a girl takes the mount position, she can't get off until she's finished with what she needs to do!



Voiced by: Haruka Tomatsu (Japanese), Genevieve Simmons (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (13)

She is Ayse's ever-loyal bodyguard who faithfully protects and defends her mistress with a lethal-looking scimitar.

  • Ambiguously Brown: Like Ayse, her name and appearance suggest that she is most likely Middle Eastern in origin.
  • Form Fitting Clothing: SO form-fitting that even the nipples and areolae are perfectly defined through shirt and bra.
  • Ninja Maid: Wields a scimitar with great precision, including giving Akiharu a Close-Call Haircut.
  • Victoria's Secret Compartment: When Akiharu asks Heydeh where she pulled out a giant scimitar, and Heydeh bashfully responds by saying "please don't ask me that kind of question".

Tōichirō Kazamatsuri

Tōichirō Kazamatsuri

Voiced by: Shinji Kawada (Japanese), Brendan Hunter (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (14)

The only male member of the academy's upper-ed class.

  • Bishie Sparkle: Toichiro has this. Spraying from his crotch.
  • Camp Straight: His sexuality is never touched upon, but he does act in a somewhat feminine manner and dress somewhat feminine.
  • Idiot Hair: Has a rather long one. It's quite fitting considering he usually ends up making a fool of himself whenever he appears.
  • Irony: He's the ultimate narcissist and proclaims that he should be admired by everybody. Ironically, students usually avoid him because of this.
  • Large Ham: He generally acts in a rather over-the-top kind of way.
  • Narcissist: He considers himself as the most beautiful man and as such proclaims that he should be admired by everybody.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: More like Absolute Pectorals. He wears a very low-cut top.
  • The One Guy: The lone male of the academy's upper-ed class.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Apparently his real first name is "Daikiji".
  • Skinny Dipping: Inverted. He seems to swim fully clothed.


Kaede Tenjōji

Kaede Tenjōji

Voiced by: Mariya Ise (Japanese), Melanie Ehrlich (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (15)

Hakureiryō Academy's principal whose hobbies include playing eroge even at work.

  • Covert Pervert: Some of the things she's into are quite kinky.
  • Gamer Chick: She likes playing eroge.
  • H-Game: She likes playing these.
  • Two-Teacher School: Mikan and Principal Kaede are the only faculty members that are ever seen, and the former is the only we've seen teaching.
  • Womanchild: She acts like a 6 year old.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: Spends most of her time playing boys' love games instead of getting work done.
    • Episode four shows that Kaede isn't averse to yuri either.
    • Another thing is that she seems to like anything involving Akiharu and a girl, especially if it appears scandalous. It seems that, to her, dealing with him is like playing an H-Game.
    • As of episode 7, all bets are off. She's a full-blown Otaku.
    • Then there is the Sports festival. That principal is insane.



Voiced by: Kumi Sakuma (Japanese), Hazel Summer (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (16)

The academy's head instructor who oversees almost all matters related to the school.

  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: She's this to Kaede.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: In episode 5 when she finds Akiharu on top of Selnia, she apparently thought it would be appropriate to flog him demanding that he "accept his punishment".
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: To Kaede.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: She's pretty damn accurate with those throwing pens, being able to thread the needle in some pretty tight windows.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Mikan is downright deadly with her pens.
  • Ninja: Although not stated outright Mikan-sensei fills this trope pretty well.
    • Throws pens like shurikens.
    • Appears at any given moment without notice.
    • Scares the crap out of everyone.
  • Right Behind Me: If Mikan-sensei is behind you, you are pretty much screwed.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: Sweet merciful Christ.
  • Stern Teacher: Mikan-sensei has a stern and composed demeanor.
  • Two-Teacher School: Mikan and Principal Kaede are the only faculty members that are ever seen, and the former is the only we've seen teaching.



Voiced by: Akeno Watanabe (Japanese), Nicole Martino (English)

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (17)

The head maid of the Flameheart family household.

Ladies versus Butlers! - TV Tropes (2025)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.